Monday, October 8, 2012

New Retail Coming to the Arena District on Main

In a new development, that I have yet to see reported elsewhere, the eastern tower of the Waterfront Plaza complex is converting a portion of the first level of it's below-grade parking garage into new retail space to service both the legions of Humana and other office workers in the area by day, and to capitalize on arena crowds by night.

A worker on site today confirmed that current plans for the location, which is underneath the Central Bank branch and also below street level, include a bar, deli and possibly an ice cream shop.
Concrete retaining walls and Iron fence-work have been removed.
During the first rounds of the NCAA tournament, back in March, the Galt House set up a temporary bar and grill in this same area to service the large crowds gathered for the games.  They must have deemed the experiment a success and want to invest in a more permanent solution to take advantage of future arena crowds, as well as offer another lunch option for area workers.

Work has included the removal of the existing concrete retaining wall and iron fence-work as well as the pouring of new footers to support an extension of the space towards the earthen embankment and to allow installation of two sets of stairs leading down from Main Street.  Patrons will also be able to access the space from the interior of Waterfront Plaza.

More Pictures of the site preparations after the jump:

Concrete wall removed and vegetation cleared.

New footers being poured.

New footer for stairs leading from Main Street.

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